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Thursday, April 21, 2011

FlashMob.Bubbles.LapDance.Random.Justice. D3+2

Hello there..

First order of business, TOUT WAS DOWN!! WTF?!?! It felt like I left my cell phone at home for the whole day!! Waaah! Their site's server/provider had a huge crash which affected Tout and many other sites! Talk about super #Fail!!

Second, Easter is a coming! We will be attending mass on Good Friday (tomorrow) instead of Sunday to avoid the rush of randoms that ONLY go to church on Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas! Instead, we'll have some fam bam time, laying out in the sun and an egg hunt fun for my nugster! woot!

Lastly, here are my daily 3 + 2 (added more since I was so lazy yesterday). So enjoy and catch ya'll tomorrow!


1. Man talk about getting chills when more and more people join in the routine!

2. O - M - G!! Toooo Adorable!! How do you NOT laugh at this with her??

3. Talk about being dumbfounded after a Minaj Lap Dance! Can you handle that Steve Nash??

4. RANDOM Article headings -

5. On a serious note -  In 2009, journalists that attempted to do a story in a small province in the Philippines which ended in the brutal deaths of 21 people. Impunity and bribery lead to many of those committing the crime being free!




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